We need more welfare funding of the arts – literally

19 Nov 2019

If the arts sector really has faith in everyday creativity, it should put its money where its mouth is, writes Jonathan Knott.

What will Ed do next?

08 Nov 2019

What might the UK's longest serving Culture Minister take as his next step? Amanda Parker makes some suggestions.

And they’re off…

A photo of the Houses of Parliament in London
01 Nov 2019

How many of us working in the arts are keeping quiet about how we really feel, asks Amanda Parker.

Is diverse leadership really welcome in the arts?

A photo of the Royal Festival Hall in London
25 Oct 2019

Madani Younis' exit from Southbank Centre exposes uncomfortable truths about the arts sector's attitude to workforce diversity, says Amanda Parker.

A sticking plaster policy

14 Oct 2019

Before praising the Culture Secretary for “responding so positively” to the financial crisis facing the cultural sector, Arts Council England would do well to take a step back and review its own evidence, says Liz Hill.

Relaxed performances: why the sector has to do better

A photo of the audience at Shakespeare's Globe
10 Oct 2019

Far from being a niche concern, increasing the number of accessible shows would benefit millions of people across the UK, says Jess Thom.

No access, no public funding?

photo of Andrew Miller beside Jeremy Miller's Peterloo Memorial in Manchester
19 Sep 2019

Five years after first highlighting discriminatory attitudes in ArtsProfessional, the Government’s Disability Champion for Arts and Culture Andrew Miller reflects on progress towards inclusion.

Think self-care isn’t for you? Think again

Woman looking up
19 Sep 2019

Articulating our individual needs is important for everyone – especially those at the top of organisations, says Suzanne Alleyne.

How can we make festivals greener?

Protesters stopping traffic holding a 'Rebel for life' banner
19 Sep 2019

Festivals can have all the recycling schemes and sustainable policies in the world, but it’s getting workforce and attendees on board that will really make a difference, writes Damon Culbert.

Giving artists a seat at the table

12 Sep 2019

The arts sector needs to stop exploiting skilled practitioners through tokenistic and self-serving community projects, says Charlotte Arculus.

The arts sector's dirty secret

A group of diverse people gathered in a circle on the floor
12 Sep 2019

A lack of diversity will persist unless unfair levels of pay are addressed, says Becky Chapman.

Editor’s comment: who decides what 'quality' is?

09 Aug 2019

The lack of traction and success for BME-led and disabled-led organisations deserves our attention, says Amanda Parker. Is there something for ACE to explore around who is judging ‘quality’?

Join the discussion on ACE’s new strategy

A photo of a man photographing a street piano player
23 Jul 2019

Over the coming weeks, ArtsProfessional will be putting your questions to Arts Council England on its new draft ten-year strategy. Here ACE’s Deputy Chief Executive Simon Mellor introduces one of the strategy’s three key outcomes.

Welcome from ArtsProfessional’s new Editor

Photo of Amanda Parker
02 Jul 2019

ArtsProfessional is refreshing and renewing its style - but the integrity at its heart will remain, writes the publication's new Editor Amanda Parker.

The data illusion

A photo of people in the rain outside London's National Gallery
14 Jun 2019

Funders are increasing their demands for data from arts organisations while only paying lip service to quality in their own statistics. It’s time to stop indulging them, says Jonathan Knott.

Letter: Trans identity is not up for debate

14 May 2019

Artists, activists and cultural workers argue that trans activists' protests against arts programming are part of a legitimate struggle for equal rights.

Letter: A candid friend

21 Mar 2019

Art Fund volunteer Jane Crease responds with incredulity to reports that the charity's financial support for its volunteer network can no longer be justified.

Encouraging signs

Charlotte Arrowsmith acting in As You Like It
20 Mar 2019

The casting of deaf actor Charlotte Arrowsmith in a current RSC production illustrates how committing to diversity does not mean being worthy or boring, says Jonathan Knott.

Missing the point

A close-up shot of a person's hands weaving a basket
31 Jan 2019

If we defend the arts based on evidence of positive outcomes in specific cases, we may find the very same logic turned against us, warns Carter Gillies.

Looking beyond the obvious

03 Jan 2019

It is right to celebrate those local authorities committed to funding culture, but long-term sustainability may depend on developing entirely new approaches, argues Gary Topp.


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