Changing the diversity of cultural leadership

Photo of women smiling at a dinner
17 Nov 2016

Birmingham may be diverse but its cultural leaders are not. Lara Ratnaraja and Helga Henry discuss how the RE:Present programme is helping to change that. 

‘European roles’ and me

Photo of Barbara Blanka
15 Nov 2016

Non-English actors are encouraged to change their name and disguise themselves as English in order to be cast in productions – this will not change until we ditch limiting stereotypes, says actor Barbara Blanka.

Arts diversity: To shame, or not to shame

Photo of Emmanuel Kojo in showboat
03 Nov 2016

In the fourth of a series of articles, Christy Romer says it’s time for data about workforce, programming and casting to be published openly.

Data to measure diversity

Photo of people in gallery
03 Nov 2016

The first full year’s worth of data from the Audience Finder survey raises important questions about the inclusivity of arts organisations, reports Anne Torreggiani

Perception the biggest barrier to audience diversity, survey finds

Photo of an audience
21 Oct 2016

Fears that existing arts audiences resist ‘more diverse artistic product’ appear to be unfounded, ArtsProfessional’s latest Pulse survey suggests.

Pulse report – part 3: Diversity in audiences – what needs to change?

Hands with globe on
20 Oct 2016

Should more be done to increase the diversity of those engaging with the arts in the UK? And if so, what? In her final report, Frances Richens looks at the findings from ArtsProfessional’s latest Pulse survey with a focus on audiences. 

Arts diversity: Interview with the National Theatre’s Rufus Norris

Photo of Rufus Norris
19 Oct 2016

What does the Artistic Director of England’s most highly-funded theatre think about quotas, naming and shaming, and the lack of progress on diversity over the past 20 years? Rufus Norris chats to AP.

‘League of shame’ theatres receive workforce diversity funding

Photo of Amanda Huxtable leading a workshop
14 Oct 2016

Arts Council England’s two new funds aim to increase the diversity of senior leaders in arts organisations and support development opportunities for BME theatre makers.

Three-quarters of people in the arts volunteer before finding paid work, survey suggests

Aaron Wright
12 Oct 2016

Research by Jerwood Charitable Foundation found only a quarter of people working in the arts entered the sector with a paid position.

Workforce diversity won’t be a factor in Arts Council ratings

Men dancing
12 Oct 2016

National Portfolio Organisations must diversify their programming to access ACE funding, but there will be no naming and shaming or sanctions applied if arts organisations fail to achieve workforce and governance objectives.

Arts workers in favour of artistic diversity quotas, survey finds

Photo of a man and woman on stage
07 Oct 2016

The sector has voiced concerns about barriers facing diverse artists and the ‘ghettoisation’ of diverse art.

Arts organisation unlikely to lease The Drum building

Photo of the Drum
07 Oct 2016

Part of the NPO funding previously earmarked for the venue will now be distributed in the local area to promote arts activity.

Pulse report – part 2: Diversity in artistic work – what needs to change?

Hands with map on them
06 Oct 2016

Should more be done to increase the diversity of the UK’s art and artists? And if so, what? In this second of three reports, Frances Richens looks at the findings from ArtsProfessional's latest Pulse survey, with a focus on diversity in artistic work.

Arts diversity: None of this is new

Photo of dancer
06 Oct 2016

We’ve been reading, writing and speaking about diversity in the arts for decades. In the third in a series of articles, Christy Romer says perhaps there’s nothing new to say – but the sector still has to hear it.

The fearless inclusive leader

Photo of people on stage holding hands
06 Oct 2016

How can a more inclusive leadership style increase diversity in our audiences? Anne Torreggiani identifies three distinct characteristics.

Survey to track arts diversity in Scotland

Photo of discussion
30 Sep 2016

Creative Scotland is to gather evidence on individuals’ occupation, employment status and career progression across the country.

To those angry at me

Photo of conference panel
28 Sep 2016

Adam Taylor, an organiser of the NewHorizons16 conference on diversity and inclusion, responds to one of the day’s themes: opportunities are not open to everyone in the arts because white, middle-class, middle-aged men stand in the way.

White arts workers less likely to favour diversity quotas

Photo of heads
23 Sep 2016

Survey findings reveal a deep division in opinion among arts workers about how to increase the diversity of the sector’s workforce.  

Arts diversity: Your words, not mine

Photo of Laura Jones
22 Sep 2016

In part two of a series on diversity in the arts, Christy Romer says that labels like ‘diverse’ and ‘BME’ may fail to capture a person’s lived experience - but it would be harder to address inequality without them.


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