Where there’s a will...

Photo of visitors to the Edinburgh Book Festival
12 Nov 2012

New Inheritance Tax rules mean that everyone will be better off giving 10% to charity rather than a lower percentage. Peter Shand explains why.

Charity shop fundraising

Ribbon cutting ceremony
16 Oct 2012

Beckie Smith tells how a charity shop is contributing to funding Tewkesbury’s theatre, The Roses.

Breathing Life Into In Memoriam Giving

Five colourful bunches of flowers
24 Aug 2012

In Memoriam giving remains one of the most under-developed and reactive methods of raising funds within the whole voluntary sector. Yet the opportunities it presents for both securing significant levels of income and building powerful, long-term relationships with supporters is almost unique. John Grain explains why.

Bringing heritage to life

Picture of colourful clocks made on the Times Ticking Away workshop
24 Aug 2012

Ambitious projects can still be financed through the unlikely source of the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF). Alastair Fairley explains.

Defining values

02 Jul 2012

Julia Rowntree, with Russell Willis Taylor and Anna Ledgard, reveal how a focus on practical and effective ways to create real value can sit at the heart of successful fundraising

Mind the gap

11 Jun 2012

Has the time come for a new arts investment fund? Graham Henderson makes the case

Taxing gifts

Photo of present
21 May 2012

The recent budget has propelled charitable giving and tax into the media spotlight. Mahmood Reza explains what it’s all about, and how it could affect fundraising efforts.

Small is beautiful

30 Apr 2012

The success of Cockpit Arts’ business growth loan scheme highlights the potential for tailored micro finance in the arts. Ellen O’Hara shares their experience

Dancing for cash

19 Mar 2012

Mark Skipper describes the development of a fundraising campaign that is securing Northern Ballet’s full complement of dancers in the face of major funding cuts

Valuing investors

27 Feb 2012

Geoff Burnand and Margaret Bolton explain why the arts sector is of interest to mainstream investors

Inspiring hospitality

06 Feb 2012

Jo Rodger shares the secrets of a successful corporate hospitality programme at Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Theatres and weddings – a marriage of convenience

21 Nov 2011

Sarah Comerford says there can be no more perfect venue for a wedding than one of England’s most beautiful and historic theatres

Tax and giving: putting donors first

31 Oct 2011

In the second of two articles on initiatives for stimulating fundraising in the cultural sector, Javier Stanziola looks at tax incentives

Good on paper, bad in practice

10 Oct 2011

In the first of a two articles looking at policy initiatives for stimulating fundraising in the cultural sector, Javier Stanziola critiques the match-funding approach

Artistic licence

29 Aug 2011

Licensing your art for commercial use is not for everyone, but Mainda Kiwelu believes that, used properly, it can open up revenue streams and new audiences

One for all and all for one

25 Jul 2011

A renaissance is happening in the regions’ theatres, says Liz Wilson, as people realise that ensemble companies can increase camaraderie and reduce costs

Café culture

13 Jun 2011

Struggling to make the most of your catering arm? Chris Brown has some suggestions

Capitalising on costume

11 Apr 2011

A clear focus on business objectives and a strong partnership between staff and volunteers are the bedrock of an effective costume hire department at the Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester. Pam Burrow and Ludmilla Krzak are at the heart of the action

Nothing ventured, nothing gained

21 Mar 2011

Claire Antrobus weighs up the risks and benefits of loan finance

Building a learning community

28 Feb 2011

Jim Beirne discusses a series of social enterprises designed to create additional income streams, based around creative and physical assets


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