Council votes to save Lancashire arts centre and theatre

16 Jan 2024

Hyndburn Council has backed a motion to save Oswaldtwistle's arts centre and theatre, which has been closed for six months.

Hyndburn Arts Limited managed the Lancashire venue for 13 years before the company filed for insolvency in August.

At a full council meeting, a motion was backed to recognise the building as a "vital asset". Hyndburn Council will now explore "options which will lead to the reopening of the premises".

Acting Council Leader Peter Britcliffe proposed the motion, adding: "It's so important to me that we make a very clear commitment to bringing it back into use as soon as humanly possible."

Labour Deputy Leader Noordad Aziz said they fully supported the reopening but criticised the Conservative administration, saying: “They should have brought a full report on it to the council, not just a two-line motion.

"It is not good enough."

Barking theatre closes after survey reveals RAAC

16 Jan 2024

Broadway Theatre in Barking has announced its immediate closure after a building survey revealed the presence of reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC).

The building will remain closed while further investigation and essential repairs are carried out.

RAAC was used extensively in the construction of public buildings between the 1950s and the 1970s. It is described as “much weaker” than traditional concrete by the Standing Committee on Structural Safety.

More than a dozen theatres shut their doors last autumn after the government issued updated guidance in response to widespread concerns about the material's longevity.

Council approves outdoor venue for Slung Low

15 Jan 2024

Slung Low theatre company in Leeds has been granted permission to create an outdoor event space after the City Council consented to a three-year temporary change of use of its existing venue in the Temple District.

The planning application indicates shows the space will present occasional public performances, primarily in the summer months, and house a double-decker bus, which will function as a classroom and cinema.

There will also be workshop space for artists in the existing building and school and community sessions, offering placements and learning opportunities for students.

Alan Lane, Artistic Director of Slung Low, told the Yorkshire Evening Post: "We’re so pleased to hear that the temporary change of use has been confirmed on the Slung Low at Temple site. It’s a brilliantly exciting collaboration with CEG and ourselves to provide a creative space at the heart of the new Temple District.

"From this space, we are able to support so many theatre companies, independent artists, and community groups. With an outdoor stage also on site we are able to welcome audiences to visiting shows and work from our resident companies like Wrongsemble and Barrel Organ.

"It’s a part of our continuing commitment to making Holbeck an even more exciting place to live and work.”

British Youth Music Theatre to relocate to Leeds

British Youth Music Theatre, Performance of Harry & Greta
15 Jan 2024

National Portfolio Organisation says Yorkshire city's location in the centre of the UK allows good access to partners in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales as well as across England.

Durham theatre improves terms and conditions for performers

12 Jan 2024

Gala Theatre in Durham has agreed to introduce improved terms and conditions for performers, bringing the venue in line with standards set by performers' union Equity. 

The move follows discussions between the union and Durham County Council, which manages the theatre.

The improved terms, which apply to non-permanent performers and stage management engaged under ‘worker’ status, include recognising overtime and making payment where appropriate, a limit on the number of performances, and a commitment to a standard five day working week.

Dominic Bascombe, Equity Regional Official for North East, Yorkshire and Humberside said: “The introduction of these terms in the contract will provide our members with a great level of comfort that working at Durham Gala Theatre meets acceptable standards. 

"We are pleased that Durham County Council have engaged in this process and have already seen the benefits of the terms being applauded by our members working there over the panto season."

A spokesperson for Durham County Council said: “Durham County Council are supportive of the work of Equity and continue to work in partnership to provide good working practices for those engaged in our performances.”

Earlier this week County Durham received a £1.25m Place Partnership award from Arts Council England, funded by the National Lottery, for a three-year programme of events, skills development and community-led activities.

The grant supplements the £2m Durham County Council has pledged toward the project and follows the region’s bid for the UK City of Culture 2025.

Performing arts workers facing ‘significant' childcare challenges

09 Jan 2024

A 'culture of silence' exists when it comes to discussing childcare issues in the performing arts sector, according to mothers interviewed as part of new research.

Suffolk County Council to cut all arts spending

Exterior New Wolsey Theatre near Ipswich, Suffolk, England
08 Jan 2024

Local authority says it is being forced to make cuts but organisations affected warn that the move will have a huge impact on local communities.

Volunteers enlist to keep arts centre open

Exterior of Artrix Art Centre, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire
02 Jan 2024

Bromsgrove venue that temporarily reopened to host shows from a theatre forced to close will continue to operate with help of community volunteers.

Freelance roles drive performing arts employment growth

Matilda the Musical production photo, Cambridge Theatre, September 2021.
20 Dec 2023

DCMS figures show a modest increase in the number of roles in the sector for the 12 months up to June, driven by freelance employment.

Theatre Green Book joins forces with national theatres

19 Dec 2023

The Theatre Green Book has announced a partnership with the UK’s three national theatres.

Together, the coalition will form an association to drive change and push for net zero across the sector.

Part of the work includes the formation of a steering group featuring the national theatres, the Association of British Theatre Technicians, the Society of London Theatre, UK Theatre and the Theatres Trust. 

The steering group is involved in work on the second edition of the Theatre Green Book, scheduled for release next summer.

The first edition, which was published during the pandemic, is now used by all large subsidised theatres, the UK’s three national theatre and all UK opera houses.

Paddy Dillon, one of the Theatre Green Book’s authors, told The Stage the second edition is “our chance to accelerate theatre’s momentum even further”.

Lisa Burger, who co-authored the book, added: “We’re excited that the Theatre Green Book is now permanently rooted in Britain’s theatre community. 

“Alongside the dramatic progress of sustainable working with the Green Book across the world, theatre is making real progress towards net zero.”

National Theatre Wales appeal rejected

A Proper Ordinary Miracle by National Theatre Wales
18 Dec 2023

National Theatre Wales said it was “shocked and dismayed” at the ruling.

Contact's Artistic Director steps aside amid financial concerns

Exterior of Contact Theatre, Manchester lit up at night
18 Dec 2023

Iconic theatre sets out plans to tackle rising costs and place it on sustainable financial footing.

Fresh hope for Octagon Theatre project

13 Dec 2023

Stalled plans to remodel the Octagon Theatre in Yeovil could be funded by selling off one of Somerset County Council’s commercial investments, the council's former Leader has suggested.

In October Somerset County Council put the £30m project on hold due to rising costs, saying that the current business case for the theatre's regeneration could "no longer be met" and "a revised business case would be necessary".

The Somerset County Gazette reports that the local authority, which declared a financial emergency in early November, is currently exploring ways to plug a £87m funding gap for next year – including the sale of surplus land, property and commercial investments.

During a meeting of the council's executive, former Leader David Fothergill said the sale of an energy storage facility near Taunton could be “recycled” back into the Octagon project.

The council's Deputy Leader Liz Leyshon said work to re-examine the scope and cost of the Octagon project is ongoing, with a view to the council publishing its preferred option for moving forward early in the new year.

“There is a great deal of work going at the moment in the back offices between the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, Arts Council England South West and our officers on the possibility of a revised option for an Octagon project that would ensure its future as a flagship venue for Somerset," she said.

“That is very delicate work and it is being pursued with all the partners, including Yeovil Town Council."

On the road again

Little Bulb company
13 Dec 2023

Rural touring is physically demanding but you get to visit the heart of places and are treated as guests of honour. Clare Beresford on the joys of rural touring.

Panel upholds National Theatre Wales's appeal over funding cut

A production shot of two actors from Petula by National Theatre Wales
12 Dec 2023

Arts Council Wales will have to reconsider the company's funding application after an independent panel found it had not followed its own procedures "fairly and transparently"

SOLT/UK Theatre to place greater focus on advocacy

SOLT and UK Theatre offices in Covent Garden
12 Dec 2023

Joint Chief Executives say restructure will see greater emphasis placed on lobbying government and funding bodies in the run up to the next general election.

Theatre project for young people with care experience launches

12 Dec 2023

A theatrical ensemble for young people with experience with the care system has launched in Scotland.

WAC Pro aims to support professional development within the arts and provide young artists with creative skills. Participants will create 10 new pieces, consisting of five theatre productions and five films, with the support of industry professionals. 

Funded by The National Lottery through Creative Scotland, WAC Pro will offer its members a series of masterclasses, one-to-one guidance, a daily freelance rate and a budget for their productions. 

The project is a collaboration with Citizens Theatre, GMAC Film, Arts in the City and WAC Ensemble, a theatre group for people with experience of being in care. 

WAC Ensemble was formed in 2019, initially for 18-to 26-year-olds, but has evolved to support members who have aged out of the original parameters of the project.

Deni Smith, Arts and Culture Development Worker at Arts in the City, said: “All of us have creativity within us; however, there are often barriers that we face when exploring that part of ourselves – particularly if we are embarking on a career in the creative industries; and, for individuals with care experience, they can be faced additional challenges. 

“WAC Pro has been designed to alleviate some of these barriers through the package of support provided. For the Ensemble members, who each have lived experience of care, the project provides a paid opportunity to dedicate time to their creative ideas.” 

Peter Kay shows raise £80,000 for Bolton theatre

11 Dec 2023

Bolton Octagon has raised £80,000 after comedian Peter Kay performed three fundraising shows at the venue on Sunday (10 December).

Kay, who hails from Bolton, was a member of the Octagon's youth theatre and worked in the box office for around four months in the 1990s - before being "let go".

Kay thanked the audiences of the 390-seat venue for “coming and supporting a very worthy cause."

Octagon Chief Executive Roddy Gauld told the BBC the event would give the venue "a big boost" and help to keep ticket prices down.

"Running a theatre like this is tough right now," he said.

"Costs have risen, as they have for every business and every household. And as people have less money to spend, that trip to the theatre might be something that they decide to cut down on at the moment.

"So having a big draw like Peter Kay makes a massive difference."

Creative children, stronger families

Young children playing
11 Dec 2023

Ben Dickenson is on a mission to create a National Centre for Children’s Creativity. He passionately believes in the power of play to build stronger families.

Hampshire theatre in planning permission row

07 Dec 2023

A 450-seat theatre in a village in Hampshire has been told it must cease performances after it emerged it does not have planning consent from the local council.

The absence of planning permission for Titchfield Festival Theatre’s (TFT) Arden stage, which is currently hosting a pantomime, only emerged after concerns were raised about insufficient parking.

Producing over 30 community productions a year, TFT comprises multiple stages and has occupied its current site for 13 years. The registered charity receives no public subsidy and had a total income of £3,184,873 in the year ending June 2022, with an expenditure of £2,986,074.

Fareham Borough Council said the venue has only been granted permission for use as storage and that the company must stop using it as a theatre by 29 February. Titchfield Festival Theatre Limited can appeal to the Secretary of State by 29 December.

In a statement, TFT Artistic Director Kevin Fraser said: "TFT is proud that it has turned around a disused factory site that it has occupied as a theatre for over 10 years, and has spent £1.7m of their own money making it into the largest community theatre hub in Europe.

"TFT's lawyers have already contested this action by Fareham Borough Council and requested the authority to withdraw it."


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