Let’s get viral

13 Dec 2010

Categorising and pitching interdisciplinary work is not easy, but can be hugely productive, says Tim Jones

Selling a stake

13 Dec 2010

In the first of our brand new series on strategies for financial sustainability, Gwilym Gibbons explains how his organisation is exploiting its intellectual property

The arm’s length principle seen from a distance

13 Dec 2010

Mark Robinson examines the differences between the arm’s length principle in political South Africa and England – and looks at what needs to change

Searching for a silver lining

13 Dec 2010

Martin Vogel argues that times of financial austerity should encourage arts organisations to re-evaluate how they approach and present work

Spoiled for choice?

22 Nov 2010

Roger Tomlinson introduces our special ticketing feature, and surveys the range of ticketing and marketing systems on offer in the UK

Managing a budget

22 Nov 2010

Costs will rise when you are not looking - make sure you're prepared to manage your budget effectively

Be ambitious

22 Nov 2010

David Leek reports on the New Wolsey Theatre’s involvement with the AmbITion project, and documents the challenges of establishing new systems

Where do we go from here?

22 Nov 2010

John Pinchbeck reviews international trends and initiatives in ticketing

The shock of the new

22 Nov 2010

Considering a new ticketing system? Don’t forget to consider the impact on box office staff too, says Beth Aplin

Ten Top Tips for Choosing a Ticketing, Marketing CRM system

22 Nov 2010

Roger Tomlinson gives sound advice to anyone about to embark on the process of selecting a new system

Turning bytes into nuggets

22 Nov 2010

Jenny Scudamore explains the importance of good coding of ticketing data for generating management information

Ask The Expert

22 Nov 2010

A False Economy

22 Nov 2010

Anne Bonnar explains why subsidising every theatre ticket helps the better-off more than it helps those on low incomes

Game on

22 Nov 2010

Videogaming has moved from teenage bedrooms to cultural spaces, says Tracey McGarrigan, but what can artists really learn from their computer consoles?

I love my chair

22 Nov 2010

Rick Bond proposes a recipe for effective working relationships between CEOs and their chairs

Self conscious?

22 Nov 2010

Judith Knight considers the ethics and practicalities of international touring in an era of ecological disasters


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