The uncharted terrain of the AI age

AI generated image
03 Jul 2024

A recent symposium exploring the impact of artificial intelligence technologies on creative practice has thrown up serious questions of authenticity, ethics, agency and authorship, says Dario Llinares.

A fresh blueprint for funding arts organisations

Image showing the Blueprint team with a banner
02 Jul 2024

Arts organisations are only too aware of the limitations of short-term funding. But, in Northern Ireland, a pioneering financial programme provides a fresh blueprint for future funding of the arts, as Sarah Jones explains.

Digital content: Less like marketing, more like journalism

Delegates sitting on a stage with banners for Digital Works conference
01 Jul 2024

A focus on niche audiences and regular content formats could be key to amplifying a new type of storytelling, writes Zosia Poulter.

Teachers are vital to unlocking cultural experiences

Woman and child working together modelling some clay
26 Jun 2024

Whoever forms the next government, Art Fund will be lobbying it for greater access to museums for disadvantaged children through the school curriculum, as Catherine Monks explains.

Can apprenticeships address the sector’s lack of diversity?

People looking at exhibits in a gallery
24 Jun 2024

Apprenticeships offer far more than just a qualification. Charlotte Nicol is convinced they can and will radically change the make-up of the arts sector.

Culture and place: Why we need to look beyond cities

People sitting on the grass in the grounds of Pontefract Castle
19 Jun 2024

Arts and culture are integral to shaping the places we live. We now need to understand the effects cultural placemaking practices have on our towns, provinces and rural areas, argues John Wright.

Birmingham: 'An extraordinary jewel of a city'

Image of people dancing
17 Jun 2024

In the latest in our series on the arts in education, Steve Ball shares an initiative which connects schools and arts organisations across the city of Birmingham.

Fail, fail again, fail better

Launch of Failspace
12 Jun 2024

Failure is part of life. We all know this, creative folk perhaps better than most, says Katie Villa. But how can we learn to fail well?

Government must ensure children’s right to theatre

Actor on a thrust stage performing to young people
10 Jun 2024

Directors of Education and Learning from some of the country’s most high-profile theatres are calling on all political parties to commit to 'Theatre for Every Child'. Claire Walker of SOLT & UK Theatre shares highlights of the campaign.

Brixton House: Building a resilient future

Image of Brixton House
10 Jun 2024

One of our defining characteristics is the diversity and inclusivity of our team, says Delia Barker, as she reflects on the theatre’s post-pandemic journey.

Creativity for creativity’s sake

A group of people around a table doing craftwork
04 Jun 2024

Does your website give equal priority to main house shows and community events? Lauren James has some tips on how to use your website to be more inclusive of the local community.

Taking poetry to the people

Poetry painted onto Barrow AFC's football pitch
02 Jun 2024

Professional boxer and former Young Birmingham Poet Laureate Matt Windle has been working with a group of ‘hard-to-reach’ men in Barrow to help them get creative through words, as Helen Bartosinski reports.

Campaign for equity in Scotland

Black musicians performing a fruitmarket
02 Jun 2024

There is significant under- and misrepresentation of the Black community in the creative industries. Emma Sithole of Be United thinks it's time the sector addressed this question of equity.

Theatre accessibility for hearing aid users

Open access smart capture glasses
29 May 2024

The National’s Head of Access David Bellwood explains how the theatre prioritises accessibility, working with manufacturers and deploying the latest technology to ensure the best possible experience for theatregoers with hearing loss.

Five strategies to elevate your philanthropy practice

Three masked women at a drinks party
29 May 2024

Continuing our series looking at the role of philanthropy in the arts, Tessitura’s Kate Watson and Rebecca Herberson explore whether a US model of philanthropy might provide a viable alternative funding stream in these straitened times.

Widening the trustee pool

Three people at trustee matching event
28 May 2024

With increasing demands on the boards of arts organisations—by both funders and the Charity Commission—Helen Keall of Pavilion Dance South West shares her innovative approach to recruiting trustees with the right expertise.

Are we doing enough for physical health in the music industry?

21 May 2024

While a great deal of effort has been focused, rightly, on the mental health and wellbeing of performing artists, Claire Cordeaux of the British Association for Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM), says we should not neglect physical health.

A louder Tees Valley voice

A woman in a dressing gown standing on a table by a river bed
20 May 2024

Tees Valley Combined Authority has launched a radical new programme for artists which could provide a groundbreaking model for other authorities, writes Charlie Kemp

We make the road by walking

Image of people dressed in white, hands aloft, with white confetti/petals falling
15 May 2024

Long-term Heart of Glass collaborator Chrissie Tiller reflects on working with the Merseyside-based NPO and how, by building deeper relationships with communities, the arts can create fairer futures.

How to produce sustainable arts projects

Sky at night with lights
14 May 2024

With her experience of working across multiple projects, Sarah Fortescue explores how the sector can deliver what they do best, in the best way possible?


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