We are all philanthropists

Graphic showing aerial view of people holding hands in concentric circles
01 Feb 2024

The Secretary of State for Culture, Lucy Frazer, has called for an attitude shift towards philanthropy to boost arts funding. But that view, writes Caroline McCormick, fails to recognise the huge contribution of the 99%.

ACE: Sharing concerns won't harm NPO funding chances

Image or ACE webpage with headline Resources and reporting
31 Jan 2024

In last week’s edition of Arts Professional, a group of Chief Executives of National Portfolio Organisations expressed their frustrations to Arts Council England about increasingly onerous reporting requirements. Here is ACE's response. 

Reporting requirements: NPO leaders share their frustrations

Illuminate website login page
25 Jan 2024

Nearly a year into the latest investment round, many National Portfolio Organisations are finding the new reporting requirements unduly burdensome - at best - and, in some instances, unfit for purpose. A group of NPO Chief Executive Officers explain their struggles.

Talent needs a place to flourish

James Seabright, Sofi Berenger and Justine Simons in the auditorium of the new King's Head theatre
24 Jan 2024

The King’s Head Theatre in London opened its doors this week for a gala night in celebration of its new theatre building. Justine Simons, Deputy Mayor for Culture, was there.

2024 set to be a groundbreaking year

Digital image of planet earth
23 Jan 2024

The speed of innovation in the digital world can be hard to keep pace with and, as Katie Moffat writes, this is going to be a rollercoaster year – so hold on to your hats.

Local authority funding cuts causing profound damage

Nottingham Playhouse
18 Jan 2024

For the fifth time since assuming the leadership of Nottingham Playhouse, Stephanie Sirr is galvanising objections to a major funding cut.

Does ACE’s latest intervention go far enough?

Sean Bates and Joseph Taylor in The Great Gatsby
17 Jan 2024

More can be done to help struggling arts organisations, says Arts Professional's Neil Puffett.

Councils of despair

4 elephants coming through a doorway. Image generated with AI
17 Jan 2024

As cuts to the arts continue to bite, Robin Cantrill-Fenwick asks why some local authorities feel able to walk away from funding our sector, and what we can do about it.

Cultural policy begins at home

Image of a dartboard
15 Jan 2024

It’s January - a new year, a time when we dare to be optimistic about the state of things, maybe even wish for change, writes Lauren James.

What’s in store for 2024?

Graphic of maybugs sitting on pebbles in a river, holding the date 2024
11 Jan 2024

Anne Torreggiani and colleagues at The Audience Agency share their predictions and top tips for success.  

Finding fundraising focus amid the turbulence

Graffiti on a brick wall reading 'Together We Create'
10 Jan 2024

At the start of 2024, Michelle Wright offers her expert advice about where to focus your fundraising energies in a climate of uncertainty.

Joining forces for the future

Dictionary entry: Merger
06 Dec 2023

Last week, The Audience Agency announced a merger with fellow sector support charity, Culture24. Here, CEO Anne Torreggiani explains why they have joined forces and how their work together will support a more future-focused sector.

Closing with care

Image of two dominoes
05 Dec 2023

There is a domino effect at play across the sector at the moment, with the number of closures since last year reaching double figures. No doubt there are more to come, but Emily Williams thinks it can be done humanely.

How much is a painting worth?

Two curators installing Going to the Match
27 Nov 2023

One year after the purchase of Lowry's Going to the Match, that's a question Julia Fawcett has been pondering - and not just in monetary terms.

Sector skills should be funded by employers, not ACE

Girl learning on a craft apprenticeship
22 Nov 2023

The announcement last week (14 November) of the closure of Creative & Cultural Skills (CCSkills) was probably inevitable, writes Pauline Tambling, but it tells a deeper story.

AI and music: The biggest democratisation since the internet?

Bright coloured-graphic depicting someone wearing headphones with speakers over their eyes. Created on DALL·E 2023.
21 Nov 2023

Steve Thompson is a musician, inspired by advancements in technology. Founder of the multi-genre ensemble 1201_Alarm, he reflects on the many misconceptions about AI in the music industry. 

Autumn Statement could make sector vision a reality

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt speaks to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak ahead of Autumn Statement in his office in No11
20 Nov 2023

Creativity and culture should be front and centre of the government’s Autumn Statement on Wednesday, says Caroline Norbury, Chief Executive of Creative UK.

Taking up the fight for regional opera

Production image of Cinderella, Norwich Theatre
15 Nov 2023

After Glyndebourne Opera cancelled its schedule of regional touring for 2023, Norwich Theatre’s Stephen Crocker was inundated with calls from disappointed audience members. 

AI voices lack nuance

Sophisticated AI voice actor’s recording studio. Image created on DALL·E 2023.
14 Nov 2023

Melissa Thom is the founder of Bristol Academy of Voice Acting. Here, she shares how AI is disrupting the world of voiceover.

AI: An existential threat?

Hand holding a spherical hologram with the letters AI
08 Nov 2023

Generative AI is here to stay and the arts and culture sector should be helping to shape it, says The Audience Agency’s Richard Leeming.


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