Band of glory

27 Sep 2010

From classrooms to concert halls, music is instrumental to the success of the UK economy says Deborah Annetts

An educational experience

Mike Ingham
07 Sep 2009

Opportunities for Theatre in Education are on the increase. Mike Ingham explains why, even in a recession, high-quality TIE should be valued by students, teachers, and practitioners.

Mission, Models, Money - Mission Unaccomplished

06 Nov 2006

Policy-makers, cultural professionals and cultural commentators have failed to grasp the notion that arts education could be the key to delivering the public support, writes Sara Robinson and Teo Greenstreet.

Arts in the curriculum - Drive for creativity

Photo of child painting
19 Apr 2004

Schools Minister David Miliband writes about the Government’s efforts to place the arts and creativity at the heart of the curriculum.

Creative partnerships - Creativity in the curriculum

23 Feb 2004

Performances with the Birmingham Royal Ballet, garden designs in Slough, and building exhibits for a science museum in Norfolk are just some of the projects that have enriched school life in many areas of England, says David Armstrong.

Arts squeeze in schools continues

30 Jun 2003

A survey conducted amongst teachers and headteachers in 1,000 primary schools across the UK has revealed a determination amongst staff to secure the place of the arts in the curriculum, in the face of what are perceived to be considerable threats from national and local government.


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