Brexit could cause two-year cultural hiatus

19 Nov 2020

A new study warns the sector faces a unique battle against "the double consequences of Brexit and Covid-19", with communities in need of cultural funding most at risk.

Brexit: Is the Internal Market Bill a 'soft power grab'?

18 Sep 2020

Campaigners warn that devolved nations' cultural policy is at risk amid rumours Creative Europe will be transferred to the Foreign Office.

Museums face strict re-opening rules

a young man, back to us, viewing picture in a gallery
30 Apr 2020

Museums and galleries across Europe are preparing to open, but the impact of social distancing measures and a lack of tourists raises concerns for their viability.

UK Government opts out of Creative Europe

02 Mar 2020

The UK will not seek to stay in the programme next year or commit to funding any alternatives to the chagrin of the Scottish Government.

‘It has truly shaped me’: Sergey Smbatyan – Job Ladder

05 Feb 2020

The founder of the Armenian State Symphony Orchestra on why he wants to inspire others with the “profundity” of clasical music.

Life after Brexit: New advice on copyright and Creative Europe

04 Feb 2020

Here’s what your organisation needs to know about funding and regulatory changes now that the UK is out of the EU.

Creators alarmed by Government’s U-turn on copyright laws

27 Jan 2020

On the eve of Brexit, musicians and authors are calling for equivalent legislation to safeguard their intellectual property rights.

Circus sector doubles in size while missing out on funding

23 Jan 2020

Circus is booming, but EU research says the sector is “severely lacking knowledge” about funding opportunities.

EU culture budget at risk: what will it mean for Creative Europe?

A photo of a large elaborate and brightly lit artwork
08 Jan 2020

It is feared that cuts proposed by the European Council’s presidency would “seriously affect" the amount of funding available for Creative Europe.

EU funding worth £2.3m a year to Wales

06 Jan 2020

A report commissioned by the Arts Council of Wales warns the figure is likely an underestimate as Brexit approaches.

Musicians call for protections to limit Brexit damage

03 Dec 2019

A new manifesto says freelance workers have “little protection from exploitation” and warns of a grim future for touring performers.

Creativity key as EU faces 'turning point', report says

02 Oct 2019

The rise of populism, rejection from investors, a volatile labour market, climate change, digitisation and "economic crisis recovery": a new study surveys the threats and opportunities facing Europe's creative and cultural sectors.

What will Brexit mean for European arts partnerships?

A picture of singer Kate Nash
09 Aug 2019

The prospect of leaving the EU inevitably creates uncertainties – but a silver lining is a greater understanding of the value of international collaboration, says Christoph Jankowski.

Why European collaboration is worth fighting for

A photo of an art installation of collapse pillars in Denmark
11 Jul 2019

While some in the UK may believe we have little to learn from European collaboration, Anne Torreggiani and Jonathan Goodacre have found cross-border networks to be a force for innovation and change.

The real 'Brand Britain': can European grassroots touring survive?

A photo of a man playing a cello
11 Jul 2019

What might a no-deal Brexit do to the independent grassroots networks that currently flourish across the continent, asks Martin Cox.

Government must act to protect freedom of movement

A photo of two violinists looking into the distance
11 Jul 2019

Many British musicians fear that Brexit will reduce their ability to travel easily and cheaply around Europe for work. Francesca Treadaway calls for action to protect their livelihoods.

A world with walls: how Brexit could stifle the success of outdoor arts

Photo of two actors holding back a third who, while lying on the ground, is reaching out into the distance in apparent pain.
11 Jul 2019

The outdoor arts sector has experienced growth over the last decade, but could a no-deal Brexit put the brakes on this? Maggie Clarke and Irene Segura share their concerns.

UK local authority culture spend ‘smallest in Europe’

Photo of the EU flag
18 Apr 2019

New analysis of European data finds growth in culture spending across Europe is driven by the countries in the East of the continent, which doubled their culture spend.

No-deal Brexit threatens immediate end to European funding

Photo of no entry
22 Feb 2019

A new statement from the Creative Europe Desk UK says previous promises of full access to the programme until December 2020 are “unlikely” to be possible if the UK crashes out of the EU with no deal. 

EU on course to double culture budget from 2021

Photo of EU flag art
23 Nov 2018

The proposed €1.4bn increase in funding, which will be debated again next month, would be funded by an increase in member state contributions.


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