Arts education key to audience development, report concludes

Photo of arts audience
05 May 2017

A research project into audience development practices across Europe has issued a set of recommendations and guides for cultural organisations.

Dance manifesto highlights education and Brexit

Photograph of dancers with pleading hands
03 May 2017

Election candidates are being asked to recognise and campaign to mitigate the strains facing the dance sector.

European project to champion women musicians

Photo of Vanessa Reed
28 Apr 2017

A drive to boost the recognition of women’s artistic and economic value is at the heart of an initiative that will help female artists showcase their work and collaborate at music industry festivals.

Simpler subscriptions

Photo of entrance to theatre with pedestrians
13 Apr 2017

Interest in a Swedish theatre’s subscription scheme was plummeting until it reworked it to reward frequent and early bookings. Jenny Bång outlines the changes it made.

New network aims to connect every theatre in Europe

Lars Seeberg
31 Mar 2017

The EU-backed Theatron project is hoping to have its funding extended to launch a new network to continue connecting theatre professionals across Europe.

Introducing AP Europe

Photo of EU flag
29 Mar 2017

As the UK triggers Article 50 to start the process of leaving the European Union, AP embarks on the process of extending its coverage to embrace readers and contributors from across the whole of Europe. Liz Hill issues a call to action.

Beware the corporate sponsors

Photo of skyscrapers and blue sky
14 Mar 2017

Can corporate sponsorship have a negative effect on a cultural organisation’s artistic value? Yuliya Shymko and Thomas Roulet share what they have learned studying the Russian theatre sector.

Should I stay or should I go?

Photo of three wowen in stage production holding dusters
02 Feb 2017

Following the Brexit vote, are young European actors who have chosen to work in the UK likely to stay? Mark C. Hewitt sounded out a few of them.

Distant but not disconnected

Photo of woman giving a talk
26 Jan 2017

Creative entrepreneurs in remote regions risk isolation, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Aisling Murtagh explains how a project in Europe’s Northern Edge is helping to support and connect creative enterprises.

Brexit speech prompts fears for mobility of creative workers

Photo of train station
19 Jan 2017

Negotiations with the EU will need to consider the status of freelance workers as well as employed staff, the Creative Industries Federation has warned. 

Quality European partnerships

Photo of dance class
19 Jan 2017

Cultural organisations can still bid for Creative Europe funding – now and possibly after the UK has left the EU. Christoph Jankowski explains why you should consider it.

Government commits to European Capital of Culture 2023

Photo of giant dandelion lights
16 Dec 2016

Culture Secretary Karen Bradley has dispelled fears she was planning on pulling Britain out of the competition because of Brexit. 

Business models for everyone

Photo of chairs hanging in front of building
14 Dec 2016

Why are there so many common misconceptions surrounding business models? José Rodríguez explains their real purpose and value in the arts.

UK must stay in Creative Europe, arts leaders say

Photo of sculpture
28 Oct 2016

Two reports summarising the cultural sector’s views on Brexit identify funding, free movement for workers and access to the single market as key issues. 

Deadline approaching for DCMS Brexit inquiry

Photo of Eiffel Tower
21 Oct 2016

A parliamentary committee is assessing whether the UK will be able to attract and maintain talent in the creative industries post-Brexit.

Three UK-led arts projects to support refugee integration

Photo of Ibrahim
21 Oct 2016

Creative Europe funding will be used by arts organisations across Europe to challenge stereotypes and help refugees “socialise and express themselves”.

Better business models

Photo of people sitting round table
06 Oct 2016

Research into business model development in the arts often neglects smaller organisations, but a new project is changing that. Stephanie Dieckvoss introduces the Creative Lenses project.

Artists as entrepreneurs

Photo of digital display of 100%
15 Sep 2016

Can we teach artists to be entrepreneurial? Laurent Noël reports on a programme in France that mixes business plans, sales skills and corporate relations with creative ideas to help artists become successful ‘artrepreneurs’.

EU funding uncertainty puts arts projects on hold

Photo of community event by the sea
19 Aug 2016

Treasury assurances are doing little to ease concerns, as grants are blocked and funding rounds postponed following the Brexit vote. 

European Capital of Culture bids progress despite Brexit uncertainty

Photo of Bergen
01 Jul 2016

Competing UK cities will continue with their bids, despite a lack of reassurance from organisers Creative Europe that the UK will remain a host country in 2023.


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