EXCLUSIVE: London authorities fail to pull their weight
London’s boroughs are relying on Arts Council England to make good a shortfall in their own arts funding relative to local a…
London’s boroughs are relying on Arts Council England to make good a shortfall in their own arts funding relative to local a…
Cultural services have seen bigger cuts than social care but are not the worst affected, according to a National Audit Office repo…
It is becoming increasingly less likely that culture and arts services will be able to play a meaningful part in delivering the Go…
Greater fairness in Lottery funding would help to redress the wider geographic arts funding imbalance that sees London benefit &ld…
Local authority cuts mean that some libraries are no longer lending music scores to amateur groups. Barbara Eifler explains why sh…
The trend for closing arts services is continuing, with over a third of local authorities in England and Wales left with no arts o…
NLGN praises local authorities seeking new models for delivering arts and culture, and calls on more to do the same in the face of…
Government announces extra funds and ends fears that local authorities will be asked to terminate music services.
Shadow Culture Minister used Freedom of Information to reveal the impact of Government cuts on local authority spend on culture an…
The distribution of Lottery funding for the arts is a closed system, operating for the benefit of a small number of arts organisat…
The Department for Education is warning that there should be no money in local authority education budgets for extra-curricular mu…
Can our theatres be considered as ‘community theatres’ and be listed as Assets of Community Value? Mhora Samuel discus…
Partnerships with Defra, local authorities and LEPs will be key to delivering the Arts Council’s strategy in rural communiti…
Do commissions from funding bodies based on measurable outcomes really benefit arts organisations? Ross Harvie reflects…
Arts Council England must act to avert the regional crisis growing from local authority arts funding cuts, says Helen Goodman.
Arts Council England's update of its 10-year 'strategic framework' makes for sober and serious reading. But while ther…
Gillian Taylor looks at how festivals can involve communities in making site-responsive works that create a sense of pride in lost…
Arts Development UK’s latest survey on arts spending in local authorities in England and Wales reveals a "dramatic and…
Greater collaboration between local authorities could improve opportunities for instrumental music tuition in Scotland, says lates…
A new online resource aims to help officers working in local authorities to make a better case for the role of the arts in achievi…
Vaizey's rejects any notion of 'the arts in crisis' but local authority survey findings tell a different story.
The North East Children’s Theatre Consortium ensures that fantastic theatre for children and young people remains centre-sta…
When Box Clever learned that it would be losing its small but significant funding from Arts Council England, Michael Wicherek fear…
The Secretary of State has called for local councils' gallery archives to go on loan to make money.