ACE is ace, says ACE
Internal report gives Arts Council England a clean bill of health in relation to Artists Taking the Lead in Yorkshire.
Internal report gives Arts Council England a clean bill of health in relation to Artists Taking the Lead in Yorkshire.
Ed Green demanded a lot of functionality when he tendered for a new ticketing system and now reports that the Spektrix system has…
Philanthropy is not finite but infinite, says new report on fundraising in the regions.
Cultural Olympiad programme was beset with marketing and infrastructure problems, says evaluation report.
Maria Miller says arts organisations fall short in their efforts to secure legacy giving.
Over a quarter of school children report giving up an activity they enjoy doing due to fear of bullying, including arts activities…
Oonagh Murphy’s research into how museums are engaging digitally with their audiences took her to New York. Here she reports…
The World Cities Culture Report reveals how culture is as important as finance and trade to the success of a city. Munira Mirza ex…
Report finds only 1% of donors give money to the arts.
The future of education in London should include schools engaging with cultural institutions, teaching about the city’s cult…
Cultural organisations need to tailor their offer to help schools achieve their individual goals in a cost-effective way, accordin…
The Mayor’s Education Inquiry arrived last month, following extensive consultation with stakeholders across London. But what…
What is the value of the arts exactly and theatre-going in particular? Ben Walmsley asks why we engage in this mysterious pursuit…
Local Authority arts services are being increasingly asked to justify their economic impact and are actively seeking out external…
Tina Mermiri examines recent research to discover what the arts – and its sponsors – can learn from their audiences
David Edmunds describes how funding will allow Dep Arts to develop new approaches to increase access to contemporary dance and the…
If Arts Council England (ACE) is prepared to take a stand against unpaid internships, then it should also be prepared to speak out…
The impact of participatory art on the experience of new migrants and their interaction with a new cultural environment is now the…
Inactive trustees could be the Achilles heel in arts sector efforts to attract individual giving
Arts and culture organisations in England and Scotland looking to explore opportunities presented by digital technologies can now…
The cultural offers of the world’s most important cities, and the policy structures behind them, is the focus of a new report
How do ‘accidental audiences’ for art in public spaces experience performances and what impact does it have? Richard Turpin ex…
The value of work available to artists has suffered another downturn, falling almost to the level of the 2008 recession, suggests…
The wellbeing agenda is developing alongside a demand for evidence-based practice. Daniel Callcut explores what this means for art…