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Matt Trueman on crowd-funded theatre which is widening the pool of investors. Will the new model change commercial theatre for good?

Reckon you can tell a Wicked from a Which Witch? It might be time to put your money where your mouth is. The West End is turning to crowdfunding and it's looking for a new breed of backer.

"Theatre is normally quite an expensive investment," says commercial producer John Brant. "It generally starts from £5,000 or £10,000 up, which obviously rules out quite a lot of people."

Bant and his co-producer Gavin Kalin are seeking to raise £200,000 for The Pajama Game's West End transfer – about 14% of its total capitalisation costs – through the online crowdfunding platform Seedrs, which allows people to invest as little as £10. They hit £40,000 within 24 hours... (Click here to read more)