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Geraint Talfan Davies explains why Welsh National Opera has to look internationally for much of its fund-raising.

Wales is too poor a country to make up the cuts in public funding of the arts with private donations, according to one of the nation’s leading cultural figures.

In an article for the Institute of Welsh Affairs’ journal, Agenda, Geraint Talfan Davies warns arts companies need to look further afield if they are to survive.

He writes: “In England, many politicians on the right believe that the arts are a private good not a public good.

“They believe that it is up to private donors whether or not to take up the slack left by government cuts.

“In this year’s Welsh budget announcement there was a faint echo of that sentiment in a decision to provide money to arts and business to encourage a bigger contribution from the business sector.”

Mr Davies, who chairs the board of Welsh National Opera (WNO), says his advice is not to expect miracles... Keep reading on Wales Online