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Dave O'Brien suggests some cuts the arts sector can expect from Conservative cultural policy.

John Whittingdale, the former chair of the Commons culture committee, has been made the new culture secretary, taking over from Sajid Javid. He will be in charge of renegotiating the BBC’s charter, a process that will be vitally important for the cultural landscape of the UK.

As chair of the previous parliament’s culture, media and sport select committee he is distinguished as being a culture secretary who undoubtedly knows his brief. However, he faces a cultural sector fraught with uncertainty.

Whittingdale’s focus will probably be on English culture, as Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have different systems for cultural policy. It won’t surprise anyone to learn that we’re facing further cuts over the next five years, so the most realistic question to begin with is to ask where the axe will fall... Keep reading on The Conversation