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Following complaints about Trevor Nunn’s all-white casting of The War of The Roses, Danny Lee Wynter asks, if it’s historical accuracy Nunn is after then where are the pox-ridden actors.

When I was a kid I loved musicals. My friend Deborah and I would listen to them till the cows came home. They helped us escape from what reality had done to us – was doing to us.
One of the musicals we took refuge in was Les Misérables, directed by Trevor Nunn. In my childhood memory, the original company was all white, yet in later years black, Asian and minority ethnic actors were visible. What happened as a result? Did the production collapse? Were there demands for it to close? Of course not. It became one of the biggest shows in theatrical history.
Nunn’s decision to cast his cycle of history plays, The War of The Roses, according to “historical verisimilitude” has caused Act For Change and our friends at Equity much concern since the announcement back in July... Keep reading on The Guardian