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As a freelance voiceover artist and mum, the pandemic hit Faye Dicker hard. Here she outlines what she learned from the experience.

Like most people, when I cast my mind back to those first few weeks of coronavirus lockdown, it today seems like it was all a ‘dream.’ Or perhaps more like film. I can’t quite believe we lived through it -- or that as survival routes were being carved out, we all had no idea how long lockdown would go on for!

As a freelancer and a mum, I’ve always been a big believer that resilience is a key skill, writes freelance voiceover artist Faye Dicker, the founder of child-friendly business network Freelance Mum. But trying to keep one’s business afloat, while simultaneously home-schooling children during the government-imposed closure of schools was the ultimate challenge.

As we approach the first lockdown’s two-year anniversary, here’s 10 things Covid-19 has taught me as a mum with a self-employed freelance career...Keep reading on Freelance UK.