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How can issues of identity and belonging be made visible? Dimitra Gkitsa shines a spotlight on artists depicting the complexities of the Albanian migration experience.

There’s been a great deal of xenophobia directed at Albanian immigrants to the UK recently. It’s easy to argue that Albanians are being scapegoated for the current crisis in Britain’s migration system. But prejudice against Albanians across Europe is not new.

After the collapse of communism in 1990, poverty, financial instability and unemployment forced Albanians to emigrate, many to Greece and Italy. In these two countries, Albanians have been constant victims of discrimination, often facing racist violence.

The 2008 financial crisis hit Italy and Greece harder than most. In recent years Albanians have been migrating to northern European countries, including the UK. Yet again, they are facing similar discrimination.

Many see Albanian migration as a direct outcome of the neoliberal policies made after the country transitioned from dictatorship to democracy. But little is told about the experience of being an Albanian immigrant. Artists, however, have been trying to show their side, examining borders and making complex stories of migration more visible...Keep reading on The Conversation.