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Extinction Rebellion has an instantly recognisable visual identity and an army of people creating art around the world. Anna Behrmann explains why creativity is fundamental to the movement’s ethos.

'If you walked through central London last month, you might have seen a giant pink octopus floating serenely and mysteriously on stilts through Trafalgar Square. You could have seen people dancing with eight-metre artificial silk flags, designed by Brazilian artist Otavio Avancini, which were flung in the wind and painted in the colours of the oceans, forests, fire and earth to represent the melting icebergs and our burning planet.
Thousands of musicians and performance artists came together, marching in the October protests, in an outpouring of colour, emotion and mourning for the earth. Writers read out their poems and performed work about the impending climate crisis, standing in the rain.
It’s something that you might miss in the debates about Extinction Rebellion, whether you believe they are making a powerful statement, or simply anarchists holding up the traffic.' ... Keep reading on iNews