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Everyone is a potential advocate for the cultural sector. Richard Watts advises how we can all become better champions for the arts. 

Whether focused on the intrinsic value of the arts – art for art’s sake – or their instrumental worth – art’s links to learning, health, emotional intelligence and well-being – our passion for the arts, and our first-hand experience of their social and transformative powers, make us all potential advocates for the sector.

There are a number of ways by which we can all become better arts advocates. Here are some of the suggestions.

Remember entertainment is made by artists

Over Christmas dinner or at an end of year barbe​cue with relatives, you may be challenged about the value of the arts, even told the sector is ‘elitist’. These sorts of comments often come from people who say they don’t participate in the arts in any way. But inevitably they do – they just don’t think of such pursuits as being in any way artistic... Keep reading on ArtsHub.