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With 12-years’ experience working front of house, Bethany North says a lack of decisive management intervention is to blame for the rise in disruptive audience behaviour.

I have been working front-of-house jobs in theatres more or less since I graduated from university 12 years ago. During that time, whether in regional theatres or on tour, I must have worked in at least 40 theatres across the UK – old, new, and with audiences large and small. However, one thing has been consistent in all of them: terrible audience behaviour.

Last week Colin Marr, director of the Edinburgh Playhouse, condemned the actions of a “small minority” of audience members who “choose to sing, dance and talk throughout the show in a manner that disturbs others” and then verbally and physically abuse front-of-house staff when they intervene. I was saddened by the statement, but not surprised. As much as audience behaviour has got worse in the past two to three years, it is not new...Keep reading on The Guardian.