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Artists are bringing empty shops to life, offering people unique shopping experiences and revitalising town centres. Aida Edemariam explains how.

Meanwhile seems such a bland word. Ostensibly, it is a scrap of time between one event and another. But in every hard-boiled thriller, it is where the real excitement lies: meanwhile, our hero shimmied down the drainpipe; meanwhile, on the other side of town …

… there’s an empty shop. Businesses have gone bust. They haven’t been able to pay business rates; they haven’t been able to compete with Amazon; the way we make and buy things has changed so radically, so fast, and they haven’t been able to keep up. Or a shopping centre has opened not far away and the trade has moved there or collapsed because of the competition. Or a developer has bought the space but has not figured out what to do with it or is awaiting planning permission. Whatever the reason, it’s empty... Keep reading on The Guardian