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In an increasingly multipolar world, cultural diplomacy is crucial to our society, academic institutions and global governance, writes Gihane Zaki

The main lines of today’s cultural diplomacy were laid down by the ancient Egyptians some three millennia ago, writes Gihane Zaki.

A vibrant and innovative academic field of research, cultural diplomacy has successfully established itself as a stand-alone entity within the disciplines of global governance and international relations and no longer as an accessory on the margins. This development in the academic field has been increased by policymakers’ interest over recent decades.  

In a globalised and increasingly multipolar world in which crises pop up more than ever before, among them wars and armed conflicts, the energy crisis, environmental threats, unprecedent sanitation challenges, the proliferation of social media and the increasing mass communication technologies, the tool of cultural diplomacy has become indispensable because it embodies a unique ability to influence public opinion in order to modify the convictions of individuals throughout the world...Keep reading on Ahram Online.