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Ten years after gaining a Master’s degree in Arts Administration, Andrew Taylor shares how his definition of arts management has changed.

Way back in 2011, I took a shot at defining what a master’s degree in Arts Administration (aka Arts Management) was about. And in the process, I also (kind of) defined what Arts Management was about. Back then, I was focusing on fostering “a more elegant invocation and allocation of people, time, and other resources toward expressive ends.” Through a decade of teaching, research, and consulting since, my definition of Arts Management has evolved a bit. Here’s what I’m using now:

"Arts Management is the practice of aggregating and animating people, money, and stuff toward expressive ends."

For those who wonder why I use those particular words in that particular sequence:

Arts Management is a practice. While “management” is often defined as a process of dealing with or controlling things or people, or as a path to optimally accomplish tasks and achieve goals, it is more truly a practice... Keep reading on The Artful Manager.

Full story

What is Arts Management? (The Artful Manager)