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The demand for organisations to hire diversity officers and undergo compulsory unconscious bias training is becoming standard practice in the UK. Ed West argues it is a US import that doesn’t take account of UK customs.

Half a millennium ago a social revolution caused a culture war setting two world views at each other’s throats. The Reformation unleashed by Lutherans was then followed, a generation later, by a more radical, second burst of Protestantism led by the French theologian Jean Calvin.

Calvinism was an energetic and revolutionary creed which found its epicentre in Geneva. Here, as elsewhere, Calvinists showed themselves devoted to education, enthusiastic charity givers and generous to refugees.

They also proved to be violently intolerant, with Jean Calvin’s Geneva imposing extreme punishments for perceived sinners, including the death penalty for pregnancy out of wedlock. They also had a tendency to smash up statues and burn down abbeys, or anything else that was associated with the old religion. Perhaps most puzzling of all... Keep reading on UnHerd.

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