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Three years into a cultural exchange programme between the UK and Australia, Jo Litson speaks to the  British Council's Helen Salmon about how the project continues to bear fruit.

When a friend of Helen Salmon observed that Australia and the UK are “the two most distant but closest nations on earth”, the comment really rang true. And she should know. Born in Brisbane, and now based in Sydney where she is the Director at the British Council Australia, Salmon has many years’ experience working in the arts in both countries.

“I spent a very small amount of my childhood in the UK and then went back there straight after university. So, I was working in the UK theatre sector for 15 years before I came back to Australia in 2005,” she says.

Before returning home, Salmon spent several years at London’s Royal Court Theatre. “The people I worked with there are now very senior in the UK industry. They’re my friends and so I’ve had a really good opportunity with the British Council to keep those professional relationships strong,” she says... Keep reading on Limelight.

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Who Are We Now? (Limelight magazine)