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The deterioration of the arts sector due to funding cuts and deprioritisation is being keenly felt by musicians at ballet and opera companies across the country, writes Naomi Pohl.

There is a crisis unfolding in the UK’s arts sector. Stagnant public funding, combined with super-inflation and the cost of living crisis, has left many ballet and opera companies on a cliff edge. 

Under 14 years of this Conservative government, arts funding in England has been reduced by £178m in real terms. And England is not alone; the problem is UK-wide. The Welsh government has cut arts and culture by 10% in its draft budget for 2024/25, and the overall Scottish culture budget is 6% smaller than in 2022-23, in real terms. 

Many cultural institutions are being stretched beyond their financial limits as they try to deliver their commitments to funders and audiences with considerably less money and resources... Keep reading on The Big Issue.