Good Reads

Festival UK 2022 could breathe new life into the bruised arts industry

A reluctance in the arts to celebrate Britain is incredibly sad and more than a little self-defeating, says Ben Lawrence. "Petty self-righteous beliefs" should be put to one side to embrace the Festival.

Liz Hill
1 min read

Yesterday, as part of the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s spending review, it was announced that Festival UK 2022 (unaffectionately known as the Festival of Brexit) was to be granted £29 million.

The funding for the festival, which aims to showcase the UK’s artistic and scientific excellence and endeavour across the globe, will come from a previously announced budget of £120 million for the project.

There is no doubt that this will stick in the collective craw of the thousands of workers in the arts sectors made redundant, and the freelancers cast adrift as a result of the pandemic, not to mention those organisations for whom our departure from the EU has had an adverse financial effect… Keep reading on The Telegraph