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AHRC’s ‘Where Next?’ will support six research projects to reflect the imagination and creativity of arts and humanities. Matthew McCallum and Jaideep Gupte invite you to find out more.

“Change is already happening. My children and grandchildren will grow up on a radically different planet” writes Vanessa Nakate in ‘A Bigger Picture’. “Their realities and the choices they’ll be able to make will be very different from ours – and, unless we act now, their options are likely to be much worse and fewer. The question is not whether we act, but how.”

For us as a research council too, the how is as important as what we fund, and we are transforming our organisation through listening and learning, acting with care, and empowering people. We have set this out clearly in our strategic delivery plan under objective 6: ‘A world-class organisation.’ We are committed to using better evidence and insights and a wider, more inclusive approach to engagement to improve what we do, how we do it, and empower our community in transparent ways to drive forward the best research.

We believe that knowledge thrives in a diverse research ecosystem, an ecosystem where the broadest range of people are invited to contribute, and the boldest, most innovative ideas can come to the fore. We want to learn from those we fund, those we partner with, and the people that we would like to work more with, through regular, open, and constructive dialogue...Keep reading on UK Research and Innovation

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