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What would happen if arts organisations emulated GB athletes and took every opportunity to show their thanks for Lottery support, rather than seeing the arts council logo as a reporting requirement, asks David Burgess.

“I’d like to thank the National Lottery for their support”.
I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve heard this over the last two weeks. If, like me, you have spent most of the last two weeks glued to the Olympics I’m sure you’ve heard it, too.
This simple sentiment has been at the heart of almost every medal winner’s TV interview. Despite most interviews taking place within minutes of the athlete’s winning performance or medal ceremony, when they are in their most emotional state, the majority have remembered to thank the funder that contributed significantly to their success.
And it’s got me thinking – shouldn’t the arts and culture sector be doing more to celebrate the lottery and government support we get?
The mass display of love for the National Lottery is almost certainly not a coincidence. This is a strategic decision that has been drilled into them by Press Officers through multiple media briefings and the rationale for this is simple... Keep reading on Apollo Fundraising

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