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Inside Haringey Council’s former housing office, an affordable studio and living space for artists and local people is being created. Dawn Foster reports on how it will benefit the local community.

Nick Hartwright is tiggerish as he excitedly bounces around the Green Rooms, a new “arts hotel” that is opening in north London in May. The 39-year old weaves through the building site, pointing out original features of the imposing property, Haringey council’s former housing office in Wood Green, first built as a showroom for a local business selling fireplaces, lighting and other home fittings in the 1920s. The ornate stonework on the building’s facade is punctured with cast bronze plaques advertising the North Metropolitan Electric Company’s past, high enough to escape the notice of the dozens of people pushing buggies or waiting for buses.
One side of the ground floor will include a large cafe...Keep reading on The Guardian