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David Pollock calls for a more rational look at artist Ellie Harrison’s much maligned ‘Glasgow Effect’ project – for which she is receiving £15k to stay in Glasgow for a year – saying that the criticism comes from a lack of understanding of the nature of contemporary art.

In times to come, all of us who have been following the snowballing omnishambles that's the reaction to Ellie Harrison's art project 'The Glasgow Effect' will remember where we were when the whole damn thing bottomed out for us. For me, it was the time spent listening to some of the more heroically ill-informed callers on BBC Radio Scotland the morning after the Twitter meltdown broke, each one getting irate because other people were and they felt they had to join in.

'I believe the fuss is about a photo of chips,' said one caller, Andrew, who seemed open-minded and thoughtful on the subject. 'Don't politicians and a lot of the Glasgow people have to take a long, hard look at their own lifestyle? Isn't this maybe the idea?' Sadly not, although fair play to him for engaging with it... Keep reading on The List