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Two Museum of Modern Art staffers were stabbed last week. Lee Rosenbaum thinks this is a wake-up call for increased security measures at museums.

The NYC police have now released a video of the stabbing on Saturday of two Museum of Modern Art staffers (which I reported on here, in a post that I updated several times after its initial publication). You can find the police-released video by searching for it online, but it’s too gruesome and upsetting for this squeamish blogger to feel comfortable posting it on CultureGrrl.

Also upsetting was the insufficient intervention of a man who appears to be a lone museum guard: He can be seen making hostile but ineffectual gestures towards the perpetrator, while remaining on the other side of the admissions counter that the assailant had leaped over to get at his two cornered, cowering victims.

After the employees are repeatedly stabbed, the man in the blue jacket (whom I believe to be a guard) manages to distract the assailant sufficiently to give the victims time to flee...Keep reading on CultureGrrl.