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Without a wider strategy, there is widespread concern that the government’s approach to cultural levelling up is a zero-sum game. Andrew Kersley investigates.

The 2023-2026 round of Arts Council England funding provoked debate after clear winners and losers emerged from the process. But in tough economic times, what does fair distribution of cultural funding look like? Andrew Kersley investigates.

London’s Gate Theatre has always seen itself as a “talent incubator”. Many of the brightest and best of the country’s theatre scene, from Paterson Joseph to Kathy Burke and Jude Law, have come through its doors at some point. 

Now it’s facing closure. In November, it was informed that it would be losing 100 per cent of the grant it had been receiving from Arts Council England (ACE) for over a decade.

That grant had made up 45 per cent of its income, and had allowed it to stage more of the risky, early career theatre that would struggle to make huge commercial income elsewhere. Now its managers are reliant on receiving transitional funding from the Arts Council to keep them going while they work out what happens next...Keep reading on Politics Home.