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In uncertain times, the natural instinct is to play safe. But, as Kully Thiarai argues, the sector thrives when it pushes boundaries to find new ways to astound audiences.

We live in uncertain times but these are the only times we have. Managing uncertainty has played a key part in my role as creative director and CEO of Leeds 2023 since I started in January 2020, just 10 weeks before the global pandemic created seismic shifts and trauma in all our lives.

Austerity, Covid-19, Brexit, the war in Ukraine and the cost of living crisis have all had massive impacts on every aspect of our lives and the cultural sector has not been immune. Recruitment is challenging, audiences are cautious, high energy prices and general cost of living are creating issues for all parts of the economy. Public behaviour has changed in all sorts of ways, and we don’t yet have the understanding to see the pattern in it all...Keep reading on Museums Association.