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Anthony Rhine and Jay Pension share excerpts of their new book on using marketing to improve audience engagement in the non-profit arts.

Why does marketing always feel like a constant battle in nonprofit theater? One that we slowly seem to be losing. Why do we keep hearing about engagement, the engagement economy, and arts engagement? How does engagement work? Do marketing and engagement have anything to do with each other? The answers to these questions may not be as hard to find as you might think. 

Oxford University Press has released our new book, How to Market the Arts: A Practical Approach for the 21st Century. The book explores these questions and more by carefully walking through the traditional theories of marketing, detailing why the nonprofit arts struggle so mightily with trying to apply them successfully and explaining how the construct of engagement can be implemented successfully. We call the approach The Engagement Edge and use the model to demonstrate a fundamental shift in how we can serve our communities...Keep reading on American Theatre.