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Ahead of next week’s National Portfolio announcement, Alan Lane considers how to respond to change and the importance of choosing the right endings. 

We sold the old Army landrover that has appeared in countless Slung Low adventures and shows the other day. She was called Bear. And she was ridiculous to drive, had absolutely no fuel efficiency but she made you feel like a hero when you were bouncing around with the top down entering the square in front of The Crucible, or chasing the sun in the Peak District on The Magician shoot.

Davidbaby was furious. I explained that we had other adventures coming, new commitments to the children of Ingram Road primary school, TWO new theatres, a new floor needed and the money from the sale would help achieve those things.

That made him more furious. “If you earned more money,” he shouted, “you wouldn’t need to sell Bear.” And then he did this incredibly flamboyant flop to the floor, like a six year old Peter O’Toole. Which is when I love him the most quite frankly...Keep reading on Alan Lane's blog.

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