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“It’s time for theatre to get political and nail its colours to the mast”, says theatre director David Byrne in conversation with Lyn Gardner.

One of the images for New Diorama Theatre’s (NDT) Spring Season is a startling one. The Globe, the National Theatre and the Haymarket are surrounded by flames. A machine gun rises from the terrace of the National Theatre. An ammunition belt is draped over the thatch of the Globe. We view this scene of revolution as a member of the audience sitting in the plush pink seats of a theatre.

As a statement of intent from a venue, it is a strong one, and NDT’s artistic director David Byrne thinks it is time for theatre to get political and nail its colours to the mast, and it is time to talk from our stages about the here and now.

But then Byrne has always done things courageously and with a certain swagger, creating an unfunded theatre through which generosity runs like a river and one which has its fingerprints all over the independent sector in particular, and theatre in general...Keep reading on Stagedoor.