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Culture Commons has been analysing the Spring Budget, exploring the potential impacts of the announced measures on the creative industries and what was overlooked.

The Spring Budget has been firmly framed as delivering on three of the Prime Minister’s ‘five priorities’: to halve inflation, grow the economy, and get debt falling.

Alongside the Budget, the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) published its own economic forecasts that make several important predictions including that inflation looks set to drop (to not too far away from the Bank of England’s “normal times” target of 2%), the economy is on track to avoid a ‘technical recession’ and overall debt should fall in the medium term too. This is important because industry and investors – including those supporting the creative and cultural sectors – widely regard the OBR as marking the Government’s homework when it comes to Budgets like this.

If you haven’t yet caught them, here are a few of the “headline” policies that we see the public focussing on right now...Keep reading on Culture Commons.


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