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The results of a new survey of arts PR professionals uncovers concerns about regional coverage and the cost-of-living crisis, with a majority considering leaving the industry. Mobius has published the full report.

Over the past month, we have run the first in a new annual survey aimed at taking the temperature of arts PR across the country. The results show that regional coverage and cost of living crisis are high on PRs' list of concerns, with reduced space for arts coverage also featuring prominently.

  • The new annual survey, launched by Mobius, was answered by those in PR roles or with PR responsibilities across the UK
  • The survey reveals that cost-of-living crisis is high on worries for the future, and concerns about regional broadcast
  • 62% have considered leaving the arts industry in the past year

It revealed a notable shift about how PRs have felt about regional coverage, and specifically broadcast, in the past year and how they feel about its future...Keep reading on Mobius.

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