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How can government make it easier for anyone to become an artist? Createquity takes a look at policies around the world.

From Baku to Bangui, Boston to Bangkok, we need a diverse, equitable world of cultural voices for our times. Createquity imagines that a healthy arts ecosystem is one in which opportunities to make one’s living as an artist are distributed equitably across socioeconomic levels. Unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case in many western countries, where research indicates that people of lesser means are not as equipped to take on the risk involved in pursuing a career in the arts.
Around the world, we see people facing challenges not only accessing careers as artists, but also sustaining them. South Korean artists make 77% and Canadian artists 74% of their respective countries’ average income. In Ireland, 80% of visual artists who depend on their creative income live in poverty. One survey respondent in that country describes the outlook for artists this way: “The future always looks worse than the past. Economic booms are quite bad for artists, because they can’t afford to live where they should for their careers. Busts are worse... Keep reading on Createquity