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Researchers at Coventry University will work with a theatre company on a project aiming to make immersive arts experiences more accessible to people with learning disabilities.

The Inclusive Immersive scheme will use new technologies to develop installations and performances, which will be shown in venues across Coventry in spring 2025.

The university will partner with Coventry-based company Open Theatre, which works extensively with people with learning disabilities. It is also hoped the project will lead to new guidance for cultural organisations on immersive arts.

The scheme has received almost £50,000 from Arts Council England’s National Lottery Project Grants. 

Rachel Farrer, Associate Director of cultural and community engagement at Coventry University, said the initiative will involve “a consortium of leading organisations spanning arts, technology and research".

One organisation supporting the project is immersive media firm Hollywood Gaming, which will host sessions in its studio, as well as providing training and support to artists.