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Arts attenders who join membership schemes want to feel part of a club with distinct privileges, says David Lister.

Not much has been made of a little ceremony at the Royal Academy the other day. It was the "topping out" of the Keeper's House project. Perhaps it has been largely ignored because, unlike the British Museum's announcement in the same week, it isn't about a new gallery. No, the Keeper's House has been turned into a new building for Friends of the Royal Academy.
I'm rather keen on Friends. I am one myself, both of the Royal Academy and the Tate. Joining helps the institutions financially, but let's not overdo the altruism. The point is it gets one a lot of perks, free passes to exhibitions, talks, magazines and most importantly a Friends' room. I can never understand why institutions don't have them. No names, but wouldn't the National Gallery make more money and more friends by having a Friends' organisation and room?