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As local authorities struggle with their budgets, the cultural sector should not be excluded from the need to improve efficiency and reduce costs, says Judy Terry.

London’s theatreland is the envy of the world, and it was a stroke of genius for some productions by the National Theatre and RSC to be streamed into cinemas around the country. I and friends were recently thrilled by ‘A Streetcare named Desire’ sitting comfortably in our local film theatre, having already been gripped by various Shakespeare interpretations. A delightful evening, without all the expense of a train journey and overnight stay…

I was brought up in London, and continued to commute for many years after moving out; the museums, architecture, parks and the sheer history of the place are part of my DNA.

But, theatre and the arts don’t stop at the M25... Keep reading on Conservative Home

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Let’s localise arts funding (Conservative Home)