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As public funding falls to 6.2% of all income in the US not-for-profit arts sector, Ellen Rosewall reflects on what would be an ideal balance between earned income and other sources of revenue.

Every year on the first day of class for my intro course, I ask the students what they think the biggest problem is that arts groups face today.  Every year, the answer is unanimous: Funding.

When I go out to do strategic planning for cultural organizations, or meet with local arts roundtable groups, the topic that comes up most often?  Funding.

We all agree that the arts need more capacity to create.  But, as I dig deeper with my students and local arts organizations, I always ask: is more money really the root of the problem?  And, by assuming that our problems will be solved if only we had more money, aren’t we placing a burden on funders to fund us and deflecting the burden of proof from ourselves? ...Keep reading on Artini 

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The million dollar question (Artini – Arts Management with a Twist)