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Jonathan Maitland sets out his vision for a more provocative theatre – one that grapples with the left-wing economic, political and social positions that are “inevitable”.

 The publicity poster for my debut play is slightly misleading. It doesn’t give credit where it is due. The words “In association with the Telegraph” should really be written along the top with my name, because this was the newspaper which made the play happen.

I remember the moment of inspiration. I had just read a comment piece bemoaning the homogeneity of theatre and arguing that there is an unwritten rule for political plays: Thou Shalt be Left-Wing. Could this really be true? A quick mental flick through political plays of note from recent years included: Hope (an attack on cuts to local government funding), Privacy (an attack on government surveillance), Posh (Bullingdon Club psychopaths run amok), The Power of Yes (bankers ruined the country), and so on. You get the picture. Well-written and well-intentioned productions, I don’t doubt. But who was putting across the counter-argument?... Keep reading on The Telegraph