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The new Culture White Paper is well-meant, bland and likely to benefit the haves rather than the have-nots, but it’s workable, says former Arts Council Executive Director Mark Robinson.

I was tempted to head this blog ''Minister, you're no Jennie Lee', but I decided that would be a bit unfair. Ed Vaisey is obviously passionate about his brief, and is scrupulous in his run through the 50 years between the first White Paper on the arts, overseen by Jennie Lee, and his own, published recently. He gives due credit to his predecessors, regardless of party. But although there are clear continuities in some areas of attention, such as access and education, it is in the discontinuities and disconnections that the real story is told, and where the new White Paper falls down against not just Lee’s vision, but, more importantly, in relation to what’s needed now.
Vaisey has claimed the White Paper represents a ‘bold, new vision’, but there is really very little... Keep reading on Thinking Practice

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