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Uprise has had enough of the ‘arrogance’ of middle-aged white people discussing diversity, typified by a recent select committee meeting.

As UpRise has presented time and time again; it is the exclusion from the decision making process that is the problem. This is yet another collection of people that do not reflect the people they are discussing, let alone the population as a whole.
The UK is full to the brim of arts and culture of all kinds, all levels, all People’s. When it comes to the UK, and especially London, “World Class” is banded around like balls fired out a tennis practice machine. The issue is that our art and culture – which reflects every form of life experience at street level – are suffocated by the stranglehold from institutions and decision makers. All end up crowded and pushed up against the final stop at the glass ceiling. It is the age-old issue of art and culture by permission. Whose permission... Keep reading on UpRise