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Munira Mirza sees Brexit as a massive opportunity for the cultural sector to grow Britain’s world-class creative exports and develop international partnerships.

Business is booming,” admits a friend who works in West End theatre. “I voted Remain but things are going surprisingly well. It’s important to be positive.”

Two months ago such optimism would have been treated as eccentric in the creative sector. A poll by the Creative Industries Federation in May found that 97 per cent of its members wanted to stay in the European Union. More than 250 artists and cultural leaders — from Benedict Cumberbatch to Anish Kapoor — signed a letter arguing that Britain’s cultural industries faced disaster if we left.

Yet now that the dust has settled after the Brexit vote, quite a few people in the sector are feeling more upbeat and pragmatic, perhaps even a little regretful about how hysterical the debate became...Keep reading on Evening Standard