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Algorithms may be able to identify what people care about, but for the inspiration needed to make a connection with them, look to the world of the arts, says Bruno Bertelli.

The Super Bowl advertising from this year was full of topical themes and images that should have, in theory, appealed to audiences. Yet much of this expensive advertising was condemned as dull, too tech-focused and repetitive. How much of it will be remembered next year – and, more importantly, at the supermarket?

What exactly went wrong? Partly, it can be blamed on the rise of data. As marketers, we now have a world of data at our fingertips, which can give us relevancy and reach. But we shouldn’t forget that while data can make a message relevant, it can’t make it memorable.

The key is to use data at the right time to reach the right person with the right proposition. But we must also trigger emotions to spark a long-term memory... Keep reading on Campaign